• March 16th, 2018 was the last TEDx UniversityofTulsa I’ll help organize. And among the chaos of getting everything ready in the week leading up to the event, I’ve had some time to reflect. When I watched Aaron and Amelia walk onto stage to close out the event, I broke down into tears. I’ve poured countless hours into TEDx over the past few years, yet I don’t think I ever realized how much it meant to me and my college experience. → Read more

  • I recently ran a campaign containing a Wild Magic sorcerer. SKЯIT was a 15 year-old half-elf who had no idea how to control her magical powers. Wild Magic felt perfect for this character — random surges of unconstrained magical energy and power perfectly fit the character. But although I liked the concept of Wild Magic, I found the implementation in the PHB to be lacking. The rules surrounding Wild Magic surges, especially its interactions with the Tides of Chaos feature, are ambiguous at best and confusing at worst, with results ranging from utterly useless to completely overpowered depending on a particular DM’s interpretation. So I decided to make a custom take on it for my campaign, with the goal of forcing the sorcerer to make more impactful choices about when to use Tides of Chaos, and give the DM and sorcerer more control over how often wild magic triggers. The campaign wasn’t long enough to really evaluate how well it’s worked in practice, but I like the concepts it reinforces. So, before I get into the explanation, here’s the rule itself: → Read more

  • As one of the organizers of TEDxUniversityofTulsa, I often encounter interesting problems as a result of our unique relationships with the university, our speakers, sponsors, and attendees. One of the major problems we face, year after year, is attendance. But not in the usual way of having trouble selling tickets - we sold out in just over 24 hours for the 2016 event. More students, faculty, and employees want to come to our event than we can support. And we want to give as many of them the TEDx experience we possibly can! Remaining, of course, within the rules set out by TED and the university. → Read more

  • This post contains a test of various markdown features for website styling. → Read more

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