Statblock Shop (

A tool for creating Monster Manual styled statblocks for D&D. It’s a pure javascript app that uses local storage as it’s database. The first in hopefully a series of useful DM tools I’m going to make for myself.

What’s My Vote Worth (

Interactive visualization of what votes are worth in different states, based on historical voting data and electoral college contribution. (Sorry, Californians) Winner of the 2016 University of Tulsa ACM hackathon and created in 24 hours with a team of 3 developers. The data is out of date and may be in error.

Clock HUD ()

Minecraft mod that adds an animated Pikmin-style clock to the GUI. Over 95k downloads, around 6k monthly. Probably the most successful 1-day project I’ve ever made.

Paper ()

Front-end of a compiler for a subset of the pascal language. This was a projet for my compiler construction class. The end report for the project with more information can be found here.

Machine Learning Projects ()

A repository of projects for my machine-learning class. Nothing is super polished, it’s mostly a mess of my trying to figure out machine learning concepts.