Hi! I’m Sam Beckmann, a computer science and mathematics student at The University of Tulsa. Occasionally, I enjoy shouting random thoughts into the the void, so I made this website. If you want those thoughts packaged in convenient, bite-size pieces, follow me on Twitter. You can usually find what I’m working on through my GitHub page. I answer email at sam@samvbeckmann.com.

I’ve interned as a software developer for Amazon, Edward Jones, and Bacterioscan. You can find my full resume here.

About this site

This website started because I felt like I should have my own space on the web not managed by another company (looking at you Facebook, Twitter, Medium, and the like) where I could write occasionally. I don’t pretend it’s well written, but I learned a lot making it. The website is entirely static, and generated using Jekyll. It’s currently hosted by GitHub pages since they make hosting a Jekyll site dead easy (to the point they’ll even build it for you after every commit). The footnotes are done with Bigfoot, which is amazing. The syntax highlighting scheme is shamelessly stolen from dev.to. Much ❤️ to them, they have a great site.